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Let's Create!


created by Melissa Eggers


created by Melissa Eggers


created by Melissa Eggers

Blopping session yesterday.jpg

created by Melissa Eggers

Who sees the bird_ From my art session o

created by Melissa Eggers


All photos of artwork on this

or any page, site of OneEarthAllHeart are the property of Melissa Eggers

and cannot be used in any

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Melissa Eggers.

I am Unique.jpg

Intuitive Art Masterpiece Class


From the depths within you is a masterpiece just waiting to show you how you are feeling, thinking and yearning to be seen to help you know more, grow more, find clarity and work through questions, difficulties, stressors you may be keeping within.  


I am a certified therapeutic art coach.  I am not a therapist, but a coach.  A coach can help give you tools for discovery and assist you with additional tools that can be fun, colorful, insightful and helpful!  Creativity can assist in breaking down those barriers and to finding healing solutions for your life.  Art can help you bring illumination "light" where you may feel stuck.  Let's create! 


When we take in hand a camera, a paint brush, dirt for gardening, and so forth, we try to create, capture and find ways to express what we feel within.  


With intuitive art expression, you don't need to be an expert, an artist or reached success in any form of medium you choose to utilize other than the very basics.  You can just begin once you choose your method of creating.  For painting, you can choose furniture, a canvas, paper, garden clay pots, and so on.  With photography, you can select your camera equipment and learn how to operate it and how you can download or have film developed.  You can even use your mobile phone by just taking a photo and using an edit feature or two and save them.  You can create the most amazing garden by selecting seeds of choice and reading up on how to plant what that particular choice requires; amount of sunshine, water, soil, etc.  


You can just find a pen or pencil and doodle by just letting the instrument of choice  wander.  You may take a pottery class and be interactive while you work with clay, you may take all sorts of paper pictures and words and create a vision board.  The list of creations from the available mediums from purchase, from nature, in your own home, or other are endless!


You will be guided by a certified art coach to guide you through your intuitive artistic adventure and create a one of a kind masterpiece that waits within you!  You are the creator of your work and does not need the critique of another, it's simply an expression of what you are feeling, thinking, journeying through so you will find more clarity about where you are at the moment you create.


Let's say you are going through a very rough time and confused and perhaps a bit sad.  Through creative expression you can release some of those feelings by the colors you choose and what you create!  Creative endeavors are also a form of meditation, a way of transporting you through or away from the focus of concerns.  Listening to a music can also help you with your creativeness, or maybe creating music is your expression f intuitive art! 


Most of all, do not force yourself to make something happen.  If you come to a place that you find yourself demanding yourself to complete your project, then that is a time to step away, meditate (please feel free to click on the O-E-AH mantra at the top of the page for a quick mediation breathing mantra), and release yourself from the attachment to your project and come back when you have rested from it for a bit, or awhile.


The point is not to force which could create more stress but to let your feelings flow through and out.  This is so important for processing and finding more clarity.


This class is interactive and you will be getting your hands very busy creating. Please feel free to call in your higher guides, Holy Spirit, the Creator/God or angels to walk with you doing this process.


Locally, all supplies will be provided and I will capture photos of your unique artwork.  As part of the class fee an 8x10 canvas portraying your favorite selection will be created for pick-up at a later date.  


Please contact a licensed therapist or medical provider if you are experiencing depression or other medically related issues.   This class is not a replacement for clinical and/or medical  professional needs.


Let's create!



Melissa Eggers


Founder, Executive Director and Creator of OneEarthAllHeart (OEAH)

Certified Therapeutic Art Coach

Creator of I.AM (Intuitional Art Masterpiece)













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